v2 (latest)
Gcp Cloudfunction

Google Cloud Functions

A sink that sends each event to a cloud function. Each event is json-encoded and sent as a POST request.


type = "GcpCloudFunction"
url = "https://REGION-PROJECT_ID.cloudfunctions.net/FUNCTION_NAME"
timeout = 30000
authorization = true
extra_header_1 = "abc"
extra_header_2 = "123"

Section: sink

  • type: the literal value GcpCloudFunction
  • url: Your function url
  • timeout (optional): the timeout value for the HTTP response in milliseconds. Default value is 30000.
  • authorization (optional): value to add as the 'Authorization' HTTP header
  • headers (optional): key-value map of extra headers to pass in each HTTP call

GCP Authentication

The GCP authentication process relies on the following conventions:

  • If the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environmental variable is specified, the value will be used as the file path to retrieve the JSON file with the credentials.