v2 (latest)
Cardano 2 Kafka

Cardano => Kafka

This guide shows how to leverage Oura to stream data from a Cardano node into a Kafka topic.

About Kafka

Apache Kafka is a framework implementation of a software bus using stream-processing. It is an open-source software platform developed by the Apache Software Foundation written in Scala and Java.

Find more info (opens in a new tab) about Kafka in wikipedia or visit Kafka's official website (opens in a new tab)


This examples assumes the following prerequisites:

  • A running Cardano node locally accesible via a unix socket.
  • A Kafka cluster accesible through the network.
  • An already existing Kafka topic where to output events
  • Oura binary release installed in local system


1. Create an Oura configuration file cardano2kafka.toml

type = "N2C"
socket_path = "/opt/cardano/cnode/sockets/node0.socket"
type = "Kafka"
brokers = ["kafka-broker-0:9092"]
topic = "cardano-events"

Some comments regarding the above configuration:

  • the [source] section indicates Oura from where to pull chain data.
    • the N2C source type value tells Oura to get the data from a Cardano node using Node-to-Client mini-protocols (chain-sync instantiated to full blocks).
    • the socket_path field indicates that we should connect via Unix socket at the specified path. This value should match the location of your local node socket path.
  • the [sink] section tells Oura where to send the information it gathered.
    • the Kafka sink type value indicates that Oura should use a Kafka producer client as the output
    • the brokers field indicates the location of the Kafka brokers within the network. Several hostname:port pairs can be added to the array for a "cluster" scenario.
    • the topic fields indicates which Kafka topic to used for the outbound messages.

2. Run Oura in daemon mode

Run the following command from your terminal to start the daemon process:

RUST_LOG=info oura daemon --config cardano2kafka.toml