v2 (latest)
Stateful Cursor

Stateful Cursor

The cursor feature provides a mechanism to persist the "position" of the processing pipeline to make it resilient to restarts.


When running in daemon mode, a restart of the process will make Oura start crawling from the initially configured point. This default behavior can be problematic depending on the use-case of the operator.

An scenario where continuous "coverage" of all the processed blocks is important (eg: building a stateful view of the chain), it's prohibitive to have "gaps" while procesing. If Oura is configure to start from the "tip" of the chain, a restart of the process might miss some blocks during the bootstrap procedure.

A valid workaround to the above problem is to configure Oura to start from a fixed point in the chain. If a restart occurs, the pipeline will re-process the blocks, ensuring that each block was processed at least once. When working with sinks that implement idempotency when processing an event, receiving data from the same block multiple times should not impose a problem.

Although valid, the workaround described above is very inefficient. If the fixed point at which the pipeline starts is too far behind, catching up could take several hours, wasting time and resource.


Oura implements an optional stateful cursor that receives notifications from the sink stage of the pipeline to continuously track the current position of the chain. At certain checkpoints (every 10 secs by default), the position is persisted onto the file system at a configurable location.

Assuming that a restart occurs and the cursor feature is enabled, the process will attempt to locate and load the persisted value and instruct the source stage to begin reading chain data from the last known position.


The cursor feature is a configurable setting available when running in daemon mode. A top level [cursor] section of the daemon toml file controls the feature:

type = "File"
path = "/var/oura/cursor"
  • [cursor]: The presence of this section in the toml file indicates Oura to enable the cursor feature.
  • type: The type of persistence backend to use for storing the state of the cursor. The only available option at the moment is File, which stores the cursor in the file system.
  • path: The location of the cursor file within the file system. Default value is var/oura/cursor.